Disruptive Art
At the start of the school year, we began our conversation about environmental stewardship by noticing that our school community, including us, was not taking care of our playgrounds. Every time we went outside to play or to go for a walk, we discovered lots of trash. We felt called to action.
We had many discussions about this and about what we might do to change it.
“The playground should be green and brown and stuff, not papers.”“Stewardship is important. It’s because this is our school.”“It’s a Quaker school.”“It’s also because this is our beautiful world.”“Yeah and we need to take care of it too. And my yard.”
Teacher:“What might be some ways we can solve this problem?”
“We can pick it all up.”“Except for glass at the playground at Giant.”“We should show everyone at school what we find! That’ll make them so shocked!”
We began to pick up the trash we found on the playground. In order to see how much of a problem we really had, we decided to collect the trash and measure the amount. After two weeks of collecting, we had two large bags full!
As we were noticing and collecting and measuring trash, we were (coincidentally) having conversations about how art tells a story. We looked at some pieces of art that told powerful stories about change or action. This led to a decision to use art to share our message about environmental stewardship with the larger school community. Disruptive art to disrupt ideas about our stewardship of our playgrounds…
We began by gluing all of the trash we had collected onto a large board. Next, we painted our tree on a background of green and blue on a paper canvas.
Finally, we explored several ideas for combining the two: draping the painting over the surface of the trash board, pulling back one corner of the painting, and rolling up the bottom of the painting. We eventually decided to cut out a part of the painting to reveal the trash behind.
*Using the exact-o knife to cut out the tree and using the glue gun for the trash board were the only non student-led parts of this project.
To accompany our work, the students came up with some queries (driving questions):
How can we be kind to the earth?
How can we be mindful of our surroundings?
How can we be mindful about not throwing chalk and toys around the playground?
How can we be kind to others?
How can we make sure we are grateful for what we have?
How can we be mindful to not throw trash on the ground?
How can we take care of nature?
How can we make the school a better place?
We decided to install our artwork with a thinking routine and a message box to find out what our community thought as they interacted with our piece.
We asked:
What story do you see in our artwork?
What message might we be sharing?
We were thrilled to receive thinking from our friends at lower school!
“I can’t believe you saw this much trash!” Second grader
“It makes me feel that we can do better as community members of earth to cherish it more.” Fourth grader
“I think that this may be a message about the environment. I see a tree that could replace items that seem to be things that you might find in the trash. I love this and think this is a really neat piece.” Visitor to campus
“I see that there is so much pollution in the world and that you’re trying to stop it.” Third grader
“I see a lot of trash where a tree should be. If we had less trash, could we grow more trees?” Science Teacher“It’s weird, cool and awesome!” Second grader
“Our world is all tied together so we need to take care of it and love it like we would our family.” Fourth grader
One of the fourth-grade classes borrowed our art and spent some time thinking about it’s meaning. Using a combination of the See Think Wonder and Main Side Hidden Story Routines, their thoughts included:
“I think the story is that you can take something like trash and turn it into something amazing.”“I think that the tree is being hurt because a lot of people are littering and it’s hurting nature.”“I thought that the KX art was showing how many things trees can make.”
Our friends in PK also looked carefully at our disruptive art using the See Think Wonder routine.
Teacher:“Share something you notice or see.”
“I see paper all over it.”“I see a sticker.”“A plastic thing. A knife!”“I see a piece of a beach bucket.”“me too.”“They painted it.”“I see that there’s stuff inside the painting.”
Teacher:“How did this shape happen?”(the tree cut out)
“Maybe they cut it out.”“It’s a tree!”
Teacher:“What story do you see in the artwork?”
“Imagination stuff”“That our environment is important. Because there’s a tree.”“That it’s not good to leave trash on the ground.”“You shouldn’t leave trash around because it might ruin the trees.”
Teacher:“Is there anything you wonder about?”
“I wonder why they made… why they picked a tree.”“How long did they make the trash stay?”“Maybe they glued it on?”“I am wondering what is that piece of silver thing and I am wondering how they didn’t run out of glue?”“Why didn’t they cut the whole thing out?”
After we read the ideas from our lower school friends, we thought about our connections:
What was in line with our thinking?
What was surprising?
What next?
We were surprised that some of the fourth-graders thought different things than we did. We were really glad that so many people seemed to think that our disruptive art had an important message. We wondered what would happen if we put our piece somewhere else? Would different people see it and what would they think? We were inspired to make more disruptive art and to find other ways to "teach" about big ideas.
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